It’s 6 on a winter morning and you have woken up to yet another day of preparation for your upcoming examinations. However, you start draining out on your energy and begin to lose concentration in just a matter of hours because you slept very late the previous day.

It goes without saying that a relaxed mind is an absolute necessity for the preparation of any important examination, more so, the UPSC exam. The best way to keep the mind relaxed is a good night’s sleep – this is one thing that aspirants of the competitive examinations do not pay much heed to and suffer the consequences most unwantedly.
Dr. Amal Kumar Sarma, a retired physician of eminence from Guwahati, while speaking to HT Digital said, “Although candidates appearing for important examinations in different phases of their lives do not take the matter sleeping habits seriously, it should be kept in mind that sleeping well before any exam is an index to good performance as it helps in maintaining both the focus and attention of the mind and acts as a stress buster at the same time.”
Similarly, Dr Rajib Borbora, a medical officer of repute from the Barpeta district of Assam, considers good sleep as equivalent to a good tonic for both physical and mental health before any examination. Dr. Borbora said, “It is important for students and candidates appearing in examinations requiring physical and mental stress to take special note of the fact of the importance of good sleep while preparing for their examinations as it serves as a tonic for their physical and mental well-being.”
To remain focused on the preparation and retain clarity of thought and logic, one must necessarily be free from the tiredness of the mind emanating from sleeplessness. This article seeks to project what experts have to say on the ways and means of maintaining a good schedule before any examination.
1. Avoiding too much caffeine at night:
There is no denying the fact that a good cup of coffee truly acts as a stimulant to keep oneself active and alert for late hours, thereby keeping sleep at bay. But do you know the adverse effects of the apparently beneficial caffeine content of coffee? Well, according to candidates who cracked competitive exams rues that had it not been for the habit of drinking too much coffee while keeping themselves awake at night, they would have been able to manage their sleep cycle in a way more conducive to their performance.
Barsha Das, who recently cracked the Assam Public Service Commission examinations, said, “I used to survive on coffee throughout my preparation days. While it helped me to stay awake and study, what I did not realize was that the lack of sleep would often leave me tired the next day and hamper my studies. It was after I cut down on my coffee intake that I could sleep for a good few hours before resuming my preparation.”
2. Avoiding fiddling with mobile phones
Let’s face it – most of us are in the habit of fiddling with our mobile phones as a means of relaxation before going to sleep. But hardly do we realize that this is not only detrimental to our health but is also responsible for stealing away from the sleeping hours so very crucial for candidates during the stages of their preparations. It is therefore incumbent upon all candidates to not indulge in this habit and fall victim to the dreadful menace.
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3. Avoiding serious books as a means of recreation
Many among us happen to be passionate lovers of books not necessarily related to any specific curriculum. Often, we resort to reading such books to do away with the anxiety of the preparation. But without our being aware of it, we end up getting engrossed with serious stuff that interferes with our sleep and consequently our health. As such, it is best to keep oneself away from falling prey to this tendency.
4. Listening to music that soothes
Music, it is universally acknowledged, happens to be a nutritious food for the soul and a soothing balm for the mind. Consequently, listening to such soothing music before finally retiring for the day is sure to provide a healthy sleep to candidates struggling with their preparations. Highlighting the importance of music, Dr Amal Kumar Sarma said “Listening to good music before going to bed serves as a stress buster and an elixir for the mind. I would highly recommend candidates to develop the habit of listening to soft music and soothing music before going to sleep.”
5. Exercise and meditation
Needless to say, regular exercise and meditation have a salubrious effect on the health and mind of people across all ages, and nothing can be more true when it comes to candidates preparing for important competitive exams such as the UPSC, JEE, and NEET among others. While meditation and exercise are good for both the body and mind, they are also a good agent of sleep and relaxation. It is imperative therefore that for maintaining a healthy sleeping schedule, students and candidates maintain a regular regime of exercise in the scheme of things while preparing for their examinations.
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