Red, White, and Blue Garden weight loss Salad

By | October 12, 2022

Author-Silvia lemon

Preparation Time  -ten  minutes

Total Time Taken   -ten  minutes

Category- Weight loss salad

Cuisine- American

Diet – Veg

Calories: 341 kcal

Ingredients for Red, White, and Blue Garden weight loss Salad

  • Half cup of fresh raspberries (rinsed)
  • Half cup of fresh blueberries (rinsed)
  • Half a cup of feta or goat cheese
  • two cups of fresh spinach (rinsed)
  • Two cups of fresh  romaine lettuce (rinsed and torn into bite-sized pieces)

Raspberry Vinaigrette

  • One  cup of raspberries (rinsed)
  • Two  TBS of rice vinegar
  • One-third of a cup of olive oil
  • One  white part of a shallot
  • Two TBS of honey
  • One and a half  tsp of  mustard powder
  • One  tsp salt (to taste)
  • Half t spof  black pepper (to taste)


  • Rinse and dry the fresh spinach and lettuce
  • Toss them  together into a salad big  bowl
  • Sprinkle on half a cup of  raspberries, blueberries, and cheese over the top
  • Serve with the  raspberry vinaigrette

(Read More – Crispy Chicken Cobb weight loss Salad)

Raspberry Vinaigrette

  1. In a blender or magic bullet put one  cup of  raspberries, rice vinegar, olive oil, spices, onion, and honey
  2. Blend them for 30 seconds at a time, scraping down as needed, and keep blending until all of them are mixed together and smooth
  3. Test taste, add more salt and pepper as needed, add more honey as needed
  4. Serve them right away or make them  chill in the fridge
  5. Drizzle over fresh yummy salad
  6. Store in the fridge and that is left

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